Christmas Advent Calendar 2024


Metal Clay Cutter Christmas Advent Calendar

24 Day Advent calendar with unique cutters every day from the 1st December to the 24th!

70+ cutters ranging from 4mm up to 30mm with a value exceeding £140.

Unique shapes and sizes, some with embellishment! Shapes shown in photos are examples only and may not be the actual cutters included. 

Non-Christmas: No festive themed cutters.
Christmas: 8-10 festive themed cutters, the rest will be the same as the non-Christmas calendar.

Height of cutters: 8-10mm

The cutting edge is super fine: 0.2mm-0.4mm, width varies depending on the complexity of the design.

Each cutter has the size embossed on the side.

The size is the diameter of the shape when cut, sizes are approximate.

These cutters are designed for metal clay, they will also work for polymer clay and air dry clay.

Please note:

  • Cutters are made of durable but not indestructable PLA plastic. To clean them use warm water only.
  • Colour of the cutters may vary. The colour in the photos is not gauranteed.
  • They cannot withstand heat: do not put in a dehydrator, on a hot plate, in hot water or leave in strong direct sunlight.
  • Clay can stick to the cutters. Always use a good release agent or clingfilm. My tips for using the cutters are coming soon!
  • The very fine cutting edge can be damaged if cutters are stored haphazardly together.
  • The advent calendars will be posted early November.